Customer Testimonial

Customer Testimonial image

A beautiful testimonial from one of our cherished customers, The Lindsay's.

"It was September of 2021 we started looking for a house. We hadn't decided if we were going to build or get a modular. After a lot of looking at houses it always seemed like either the house wasn't right or not a good location. So we decided to go to Clayton Homes of Roxboro to see what they had. When we walked in we were greeted by Beth. That was the beginning of a journey with a lot of smooth roads with a few bumps. After we went in all the houses, more than once we finally decided on a house. We chose the newest house, The Boss! It is a beautiful house! It was also great that we could make changes to fit our needs. We found the land and then the process began! It seemed like it took forever but in reality it didn't. We ordered the house around December 1st 2021 and we were moving in around the middle of September 2022. I feel like I worried the mess out of Beth calling so much
asking questions. But, she told me not to worry that was her job. And believe me she knows how to do her job! She is Awesome! So is the rest of the Clayton family we have grown to love them. They are awesome too! Every time we see one of them I always get a hug. Roger, Jason, Thomas, Dennis, Will, Beth, Jackie, Kathy you all worked hard and done a fabulous job on our new home! Thank you so much! Roger, done a lot for us. God called him home way too soon but we will always remember him as a kind and generous man. If you need a new home Clayton Homes of Roxboro is the best place to go they are a great family to work with!"
-Timmy and LeAnne Lindsay

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